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Women in the Floorcovering Industry Announces Spring Education and Networking Opportunities

April 11, 2023

Women in the Flooring Industry (WIFI), an educational non-profit that attracts, educates, and empowers women in the flooring industry, announced spring in-person networking and WIFI Power Hour educational opportunities. 

The WIFI Power Hour monthly calls are available for anyone to join, and topics are designed to help women who work in the floor covering industry grow personally and professionally.

April 12

WIFI Power Hour: Rock Your LinkedIN Profile

12:00-1:00 p.m. EST

Women in the Floorcovering Industry hosts WIFI Power Hour. Explore how to create a LinkedIn profile that brings your personal career story to life, whether you’re just starting out, seeking to advance, or making a career change. Session offers tips on tailoring each section, starting with the key insight that a LinkedIn profile is unique and shouldn’t be approached exactly like a resume. Facilitator: Katherine Murphy, Principal Customer Success Manager for LinkedIn Learning. Register here

April 19

WIFI Meet & Greet at Coverings w/ Louisville Tile

4:00 p.m. EST 

Louisville Tile will host Women in the Floorcovering Industry for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres at Coverings 2023 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL. Hear updates from WIFI about upcoming programs and network with other WIFI members. Register here.

April 20

WIFI Breakfast at NFA Conference hosted by Cali Floors

9:00 AST

CALI will host a Women in the Floorcovering Industry Breakfast on April 20, 2023, at the National Floorcovering Alliance (NFA) spring meeting in St. Kitts. NFA members are welcome to attend to learn more about WIFI’s educational programming including adult mentoring and professional development. 

May 10

WIFI Power Hour: Network Your Way to Success

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon EST

Women in the Floorcovering Industry hosts WIFI Power Hour. Learn how to create your networking roadmap, build lasting professional friendships, and discover creative ways to network. Facilitated by Athena Walker, founder and leader of The Coaching Center, Shaw Industries. Register here.

Learn about the upcoming events here.




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