Emily Morrow Home 2022 Color Itinerary.jpg

Emily Morrow Home Releases 2022 'Color Itinerary'

January 28, 2022

Emily Morrow Finkell, CEO of EF Floors & Design and founder of Emily Morrow Home, releases her 2022 Color Itinerary of the year, Around the World in 8 Colors.

For Emily Morrow Home’s Color of the Year 2021, Emily Morrow Finkell did not feel that one color sufficed, so she created a color family instead and called it “Milled Naturals”. She imbued the collection with personality, assigning words to the family such as legacy, tactile, universal, and authentic. This year is no different. In fact, it is an even more important story in how the colors relate with flooring, paint and textures and us a individuals. 

This new color palette features travel inspired destinations focusing on the natural beauty of hardwood flooring as well as the places in the world so many are drawn to go see. One of the key trends in the 2021 Milled Naturals story was the importance of home and 2022’s color story zeroes in on both the desire to experience the world and the essence of what cherish about coming home. 

The color itinerary includes eight stop which tie directly to both the EMH Hardwood Flooring as well as paint color directions from Sherwin-Williams. The colorful stops are: Yellowstone, Safari Away, Yacht White, Oyster Shell, Runway, Moon Glow, Ode to Home and the final Betty Blanc. As with many of Emily Morrow Home color and design inspiration narratives, there is an accompanying pdf file for ease in sharing this content across various digital platforms. 

For more information, visit emilymorrowhome.com.