
Coverings CID Awards and Rock Star Nomination Deadline Extended

December 18, 2019

Realizing it's a busy time of year, the deadline for Coverings Installation & Design (CID) Awards and the 2020 Rock Star nominations has been extended to Friday, January 10.

The Coverings Installation & Design (CID) Awards celebrate outstanding achievements in the design and installation of tile & stone in both residential and commercial projects. Projects are judged on design and installation excellence, giving special recognition to unusual, creative, and innovative uses of tile & stone.

The Coverings Rock Stars program honors the best and brightest young talent in the tile and stone industry. Since its conception, the program has recognized dozens of young leaders who have connected at Coverings through mentorship and networking opportunities.

Nominations will be accepted through new deadline of Friday, January 10.

For more information, visit www.coverings.com.