TISE Names Celebrity Designer as 2020 Design Visionary
Dallas, Texas -- The International Surface Event (TISE): SURFACES | StonExpo/Marmomac | TileExpo is debuting a dramatic new design show feature at the upcoming January event, The Style Hub at The DISH, and sought out a design visionary to develop this imaginative space. TISE 2020 has announced celebrity designer and television host Jennifer Farrell as the face of the new event feature.
Farrell is a familiar face to audiences who have enjoyed her television shows and designs for over a decade. Now, the industry has the chance to experience surface materials through the wonder and dreamy stylings of Farrell’s designs. Attendees at TISE 2020 will be able to dive into four visionary design worlds, or "style pods," at The Style Hub at The DISH. The four fully-produced spaces are being artfully developed by Farrell, and each style pod exemplifies one of her design themes.
Working in conjunction with the designers at Anderson Tuftex, the exclusive surface material sponsor, the brand manager of Lamps Plus, the exclusive lighting sponsor, as well as a full line-up of other furniture and accessories brands, the Style Hub at The DISH will inspire the industry to re-imagine the future of surfaces and design.
“Not only does Jennifer have an amazing eye for design and an impressive biography of work both on air and in her design firm portfolio, she also harnesses her craft to forecast design themes in a way that captivates the mind," said Dana Hicks, show director. "She impressed the Informa team and the advisory council that serves the TISE event, and her initial presentations to the group were inspiring. We are looking forward to seeing her heightened and dramatic displays that will dive attendees into her design world visions. It was an easy decision for the TISE team to make Jennifer the face of this new feature.”
Be on the watch for updates from Floor Trends Magazine, the Style Hub official publication sponsor, and TISE as we provide sneak previews into the design worlds before the event. Teasers of themes, product inspiration, colors, textures, and more will be released in December.
For more information, visit www.intlsurfaceevent.com.