
Floor360’s Vice President Selected by Design for a Difference

June 9, 2017

Floor360 recently announced that Angela Skalitzky, vice president of retail and sales, has been named national ambassador of Design for a Difference movement, which provides much needed interior makeovers for charities. Skalitzky has served as lead project manager for Design for a Difference interior makeovers of non-profits in the Madison, Wis., area, including Center for Families in 2015, The Rainbow Project in 2016, and Centro Hispano in 2017.

“I am thrilled to be named national ambassador for Design for Difference, which has become a passion project for me,” said Skaltizky. “There’s a lot of information I plan to share with project managers in other flooring showrooms who are launching their own community-driven makeover initiatives.”

Floor360 has been a leader in the Design for a Difference movement from the beginning, and a major factor in the success has been the responsiveness of the Madison community. Each year, Floor360 asks for nominations in January and selects a non-profit recipient by February. The project planning and preparations take place April-October. The actual work is done in two short weeks during October. Each year in Madison, more designers volunteer their time and talents along with the designers, partners, sponsors, and donors who have return every year.

For more information, visit www.floor360.com.