Doghouses donated by members of TCNA to Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando.

TCNA Members Donate Tiled Doghouses to the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

April 7, 2017

Eighteen members of Tile Council of North America (TCNA) donated one-of-a-kind tiled doghouses to the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando at Coverings 2017. The participating companies included: AlysEdwards Tile and Stone; Appomattox Tile Art; BonTon; Casa Ceramica; Cider Press Tile; Crossville; Del Conca USA; Florim USA; Iconic Design Concepts; Lunada Bay Tile; Marazzi; Shenfeld Studio; StonePeak Ceramics; Stonexchange; Syzygy Tile; Vitromex; Wizard Enterprise; and Wonder Porcelain.

The forms used to make these doghouses were manufactured by Wedi and contributed by Wedi and TCNA.

“Each year at Coverings TCNA's members give back to the local community through hours of designing and creating works of art such as these doghouses,” said TCNA’s Eric Astrachan, executive director. “This year we are pleased to donate these examples of the versatility and beauty of tile to the Pet Alliance to assist them in their mission to help Orlando area pets. We are very happy to contribute with our members to such a worthy cause.”

Stephen Bardy, Pet Alliance executive director, said, “Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando is grateful to TCNA for choosing us as their partner on this project. Each year thousands of cats and dogs are surrendered to Pet Alliance. It is support from community members and businesses that allows us to do the important work of providing care and shelter for these pets while they wait for their new homes. Thank you to TCNA and its members for their commitment to helping pets in need.”

During the show the doghouses (along with some furry friends from Pet Alliance), were on display in the TCNA Art Tile Courtyard where a donation ceremony was held.

For more information, https://petallianceorlando.org or www.tcnatile.com.