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North American Distributor Delegation to Attend DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2017

December 15, 2016

For the second year in a row, DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR will host a delegation of leading North American distributors to meet with suppliers from China and Asia. The week-long event will include guided factory tours and previews of product and new emerging technologies as well as a chance to visit exhibitors of the 19th edition of DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR which will take place March 21 through 23, 2017, in Shanghai, China. 

Building on the success of last year’s program, the goal is to facilitate further collaboration between the two groups. While Asia is known to be a leader in product development and innovation, doing business in Asia can still be daunting for many North American companies.

The 2017 Delegation will include some of North America’s leading distribution companies. Two attendees will win a spot with the delegation through a dedicated online drawing. The entry is open to qualified owners/executives or buyers of North American-based distributors or retail organizations who fill out and submit the participation form at domotexasiachinafloor.com/sites/default/files/2017_us_delegation_-_application_form.pdf. The deadline for applications is Jan. 15, 2017. 

For more information, visit domotexasiachinafloor.com.