Flooring Solutions, Inc. (FSI), a full-service flooring contractor serving northern California, was named one of the 100 fastest growing privately held companies in the Bay Area for the second year in a row.
Showers can be a beautiful part of the bathroom, especially when tile is part of the finished product. But the beauty will not be long-lasting if the standards and best practices for tile installation are not followed.
Construction activity in the southern United States is booming. In Texas and Tennessee alone, construction now generates more dollars annually than it did before the Great Recession. Unfortunately economic hardships, few or no opportunities for career advancement, unstable work, injuries and even death on the job are commonplace for most construction workers in the South.
Dispelling common myths associated with poured gypsum floors Learning the facts about gypsum products will place it among the viable options when selecting a proper underlayment for a tiled surface
Gypsum is a mineral that has been used in building materials for centuries. However, gypsum concrete as an underlayment is still misunderstood despite its growth in popularity over the last 40 years.
“There are no installers out there.” “I can’t get installers.” These are common complaints of flooring retailers. The first statement is partially true. The second is false.
The Certified Floorcovering Installers (CFI) is offering its completely redesigned flooring inspector courses, including a new certification class entitled “Substrate Subfloor Prep Inspection”.
Laticrete has doubled the shelf life of nearly 20 of its bagged cement-based mortars and grouts, which now boast a two-year shelf life, thanks to advancements in the company’s plastic packaging that protects the material from water and air moisture.
Coatings for Industry now offers an installer-friendly brochure that highlights and compares attributes of all of its Wearcoat products in one document.