The new American Institute of Architects (AIA) CES Training Seminar from Flowcrete Americas provides an opportunity for architects to find out more about specifying fit-for-purpose flooring solutions for the food and beverage industry.

According to the company, failing to choose the right floor system can have a long list of unwanted consequences and costs for a food producer, especially as a cracked, porous or failing finish can become a prime site for unsanitary bacteria buildup.

Flowcrete has designed its training seminar to ensure that architects are armed with the information they need to choose floors that can not only withstand the difficult conditions within food plants, but that can actively optimize the working environment.

During the seminar, a presenter will address common reasons for floor failure, drawing on real-life scenarios to illustrate how failing floors have led to financial and reputational damage in the past.

"This includes a look at the role an unclean floor played in the disastrous listeria outbreak at the cantaloupe producers Jensen Farms, which led to 33 fatalities, 142 hospitalized victims, the end of the business and a criminal record for the farm owners," said a Flowcrete representative.

Key factors to help minimize these risks will be outlined so that participating architects will be able to identify the must-have characteristics for a food-safe floor finish. For example the floor must promote hygiene and safety at all times, have a long life-cycle and be resistant to deteriorating factors such as chemicals, wear, moisture and heavy impacts.

During this seminar Flowcrete will also help architects to understand the relevant federal guidance, compliance and regulatory information as well as international food safety management standards.

"Hygiene is not the only health and safety consideration within a food production plant as, due to spillages, frequent cleaning and unavoidable liquid byproducts, these are facilities prone to wet working conditions," said a Flowcrete representative. "Architects on Flowcrete Americas’ new AIA CES Training Seminar will learn how a slippery surface can lead to high levels of staff absences, costly compensation claims and even, potentially, employee deaths."

The presenter will explain how anti-slip aggregates can be broadcast into a polymer finish, enhancing traction underfoot to provide a reliable, safe surface for the site’s daily operational activity.

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