SelecTech, Inc. has recently announced an improved, thinner and lighter Place N' Go interlocking flooring solution. 

Catering to residential customers across the nation, SelecTech offers Place N' Go flooring, a "green" solution that enables homeowners to easily install new flooring over a variety of problem subfloors, including old basement floor substrates. Made with a resilient recycled plastic that resists moisture, Place N' Go flooring tiles are most commonly used in basements, game rooms, family rooms, home offices, kitchens, home gyms and bathrooms.  For homeowners with wet basements, Place N' Go is an ideal solution as the tiles may be removed, allowed to dry out and replaced once the floor is dry.

No Glue, No Nails, No Underlayment

SelecTech's unique and innovative interlocking Place N' Go flooring solution is now even easier to install and does not require adhesives, underlayment or padding.  Place N' Go flooring provides a simplified and convenient installation process that translates into quicker project completion. 

Committed to Changing the Flooring Industry & Helping the Environment

Place N' Go has one of the highest recycled contents (78 percent), and it is 100 percent recyclable back into new Place N' Go products. Better still, Place N' Go's interlocking system eliminates the need for adhesive and the VOC's that come with them.

"Our Place N' Go floor tiles are thinner and even simpler to install, resulting in a beautiful, seamless finish.  Homeowners can obtain a high quality, affordable, durable floor that can be installed in less than a day.  And, it's a green product as well," explained Thomas Ricciardelli, the company's president.

To learn more about SelecTech's Place N' Go flooring, visit