Having secured Formica’s well-known brand name, Kronotex has launched a new website to support its marketing efforts, www.formicaflooring.com.

Having secured Formica’s well-known brand name, Kronotex has launched a new website to support its marketing efforts,www.formicaflooring.com. Using the theme “True Beauty Never Fades,” the site’s graphic design is outlined by dark shades centered by luminosity, unveiling Formica’s most prominent information categorized in three sections: Homeowner, Retailer and Distributor.

‘Homeowner’ displays Formica’s product lineup: Quitessa, Marcella, Delanna, Arianna and Sienna. Each image is accompanied by a brief synopsis and a sidebar of decors, specs, a video and a gallery. ‘Retailers’ incorporates video briefs on marketing, manufacturing and brand information. As an added bonus for retailers, those who visit the website can register to win one of five Formica Flooring displays.

On the website’s video clip ‘branding,’ president and ceo Norman Voss of Kronotex comments on the company’s licensing of Formica: “The research that we did showed us that the Formica brand still had great recognition value, quality perception among consumers and reputation with the distributors.”