Mohawk has announced a series of more than 40 meetings in the U.S. and Canada. Beginning in December and running through February, the schedule is designed to accommodate dealer needs in each Mohawk distribution region. A common theme, "Covering New Ground – National Product Tour 2004," will unite the meeting content for all events.

There are different types of events scheduled, ranging from single city, multi-day events to traveling shows that will cover specific areas in a single day. Each event is designed to accommodate geographic regions and the dealer’s availability.

The goal is to provide dealers with the opportunity to see new Mohawk products, learn new ways to build business, and work closely with their territory managers and senior management. Dealers will also have the opportunity to take advantage of Mohawk support services such as Mohawk University.

In addition to the regional events, Mohawk will continue to hold other events, such as its “town meetings” and national conventions for Mohawk Floorscapes, Mohawk ColorCenter, and Karastan dealers. To learn more about the regional meeting for your area, contact your Mohawk rep or call (877) ASK-MOHAWK.