Craftsman Degrees are awarded to individuals who achieve 25 industry credits for education, achievement and service, of which 15 must be in education. Craftsman Degrees were awarded this year to: John Anderson, BPI Building Products; Joe Audino, Rode Bros. Floors; Roger Barkers, Fortifiber Building Systems; Larry Beers, Beers Hardwood Floors; Dan Call, Schultz Snyder & Steele Lumber; Joe Collins, High Country Hardwood Design; Dave Darche, BonaKemi USA; Michael Dittmer, Michael Dittmer Wood Floors; Stephen Harris, Wood U Woodworking; Ron Hendricks, Global Market Partners; Ray Hess, Select Flooring Distributors; Dean Hultman, Hultman Flooring; John Kiepper, Sheoga Hardwood Flooring & Paneling; Mathias Klein, Klein Hardwood Flooring; Marc McCalla, Craftsman Flooring & Finish; Todd McDonald, ACME Hardwood Floors; Ricardo Pairazaman, Finishing Touch Hardwood Floors; Dennis Plaut, 3M; Tony Robison, T&L Designs; Steve Schmid, Floors by Steve; Brent Sorbet, Basic Coatings; and Jay Wyckoff, General Distributors.
Master Craftsman Degrees are awarded to individuals who have achieved the Craftsman Degree, who have attended or served as an instructor at an NWFA Advanced or Expert School and/or has received an NWFA Floor of the Year Award, and who has earned 25 credits, of which 15 are for achievement. This year's Master Craftsman Degrees were awarded to: Rob Johnson, Basic Coatings; Charles Peterson, Charles Peterson Flooring; Dave Posey, Wood Pro Floors, Todd Schutte, BonaKemi USA; Janet Sullivan, Lenmar; and AJ Winstead, Virginia Abrasives.
The Advanced Master Degree is awarded to individuals who have received the Master Craftsman Degree, and who have earned 25 achievement credits. Advanced Master Degrees were bestowed upon: Larry Alfieri, Absolute Coatings; Evandro Carvalho, Maximum Hardwood Floors; Len Daubler, Anderson Hardwood Floors; Leonard Hall, Endurance Floor Company; Rick Jones, Columbia Flooring; Steve Marley, Cal Coast Hardwood Flooring; and Jim Schumacher, 3M.
Vanguard Degrees are awarded to individuals who have earned 25 credits, of which 15 are for service and/or achievement to the industry. This year's Vanguard Degrees went to: Bob Bailey, Artisan Hardwood Floors; Greg Fuller, Harvester; Scott Green wood, BonaKemi USA; John Lessick, Apex Wood Floors; Tim McCool, Cornerstone Flooring; Donna Millard, Columbia Flooring, Sharon Kay Smith, Global Market Partners; Jim Powers, Saroyan Wood Floors; Curtis Richard, Primatech; Mike Rocher, BonaKemi USA; Paul Ruiz, Glitsa American; Don Smithson, Clarke American Sanders; Dave Stark, Virginia Abrasives; Mark Weglowski, BonaKemi USA; Brett Wheeler, Precision Technology; and Tony Ziola, BonaKemi USA.
The Ambassador Degree is awarded to individuals who have received an Ambassador designation, and who have earned 25 service credits. Ambassador Degrees went to: Joe Boone, Jr., Wood Floors Online; Wayne Lee, Clarke American Sanders; and Glen Miller, Preverco.