Winnipeg-based franchise operator Flooring Canada has been acquired by retail giant CCA Global Partners and will operate as a fully integrated subsidiary of the company, which also owns the Flooring America and Carpet One banners. Acquisition of the 10-year old master franchise is expected to increase the Flooring Canada network from its present size of 65 members and 75 stores. Terms of the deal where not disclosed.

"Officially joining the Flooring America family is truly a great gain for our membership," said Flooring Canada president Jim Duff, a founding partner and principal of the company who has agreed to remain in his post under the new ownership structure. "We're building on an already outstanding and profitable relationship, with the common goal of maximizing resources and further strengthening our brands. Our operations will continue with business as usual and the only thing members will notice during the transition will be all of the good things that come from this new partnership."

Canadian Flooring co-founder and vice president Randy McHolm noted that the agreement will bring to the Canadian operation additional resources. "Jim and I will now be able to focus more attention on Flooring Canada member needs, because Flooring America will assume many of the administrative duties," said McHolm.

Flooring America President Vinnie Virga said the new ownership structure of the Canadian operation will encourage greater investment from CCA and facilitate expansion. "There were a number of opportunities they couldn't take advantage of because they were independently owned," said Virga, whose U.S. franchise network includes about 500 stores operated by 375 members. He noted that his company and Flooring Canada will now operate as sister companies under the CCA umbrella.

"We can totally focus our efforts on taking these two powerful dual national brands to the next level, further improving our ability to service the unique needs of Canadian members," said Virga.

Howard Brodsky, co-ceo of CCA Global Partners said, "CCA Global Partners is built fundamentally on the power of independent retailers working together all across North America and having Flooring Canada officially integrated only helps us to further increase our strength.."

The company said Flooring America and Flooring Canada have a combined annual sales volume of $1.4 billion.