Cersaie 2024, scheduled for September 23-27 in Bologna, Italy, will introduce a new education and career guidance area between Halls 21 and 22.

Human Factors and Safety in Complex Organisations
Tuesday, September 24 at 10:40 p.m.

Procedures for migrating aeronautical models to industry will be worth two educational credits for participating engineers. The speakers will include Clemente Ingenito, pilot of ITA-Airways’ Airbus A-320, and Carla Miselli, a chemical engineer with expertise in continuous cycle production processes and a member of the Board of the Order of Engineers of Modena. The conference is aimed at professionals working in complex organizations and aims to enhance the value of human resources in advanced manufacturing systems and in safety within the context of Industry 5.0. 

Decarbonisation, Circular Economy, and Digitalisation in the Ceramic Industry: the CCS4CER and BLOCH4MAT Projects
Tuesday, September 24 at 3 p.m.

Presented by Centro Ceramico, this presentation will cover the themes of decarbonization, circular economy, and digitalization, which are fundamental to the ecological transition that will have to be implemented by numerous industrial sectors over the coming years in order to comply with European sustainability goals. Speakers include Maria Chiara Bignozzi (UNIBO/Centro Ceramico), Valentina Scognamiglio (Centro Ceramico), Stefania Albonetti, Alessandro Allegri (both from CIRI FRAME/UNIBO), Roberto Scaccabarozzi (LEAP), Valeria La Torre (Centro Ceramico), Alessandro Bellini (CIRI EC), Fabiana Raco (TekneHUB/UNIFE) and Massimo Stefani (Harpaceas).

R&D Cooking Director. Storytelling by Roberto Carcangiu
Wednesday, September 25 at 10:30 a.m. 

The meeting aims to provide a comprehensive technical and organizational framework for tackling issues of sustainability, design and scientific disciplines in the catering industry. The seminar will be led by Roberto Carcangiu, educational director and teacher at Congusto Gourmet Institute in Milan and Chairman of Apci (Professional Association of Italian Chefs) and coordinated by Carla Miselli.

Emilia-Romagna Territorial Innovation Ecosystem - PNRR - Mission 4: Case Studies in the Ceramic Sector
Wednesday, September 25 at 3 p.m.

The project aims to support the ecological transition of the regional economic and social system by engaging all sectors, technologies, and skills, thereby maintaining the region's international leadership role.  It seeks to combine digital transition and sustainability with workforce well-being and environmental protection, aligning with the objectives of the Agreement for Work and the Climate and integrating with regional, national, and European programs. The speakers will include Riccardo Fantini (DSCG-UNIMORE), Mattia Sisti (DSCG-UNIMORE), Fabiana Altimari (DIEF-UNIMORE), Sonia Conte (CNR-ISSMC), Cristina Siligardi (DIEF-UNIMORE), Giovanni Ridolfi, Benedetta Ferrari (Centro Ceramico), Simone Bandini (CERTIMAC), Letizia Cremonini (CNR-IBE) and Stefania Manzi (DICAM-UNIBO).

Career Days 
Thursday, September 26 and Friday,  27

Cersaie will host the Career Days featuring of a series of meetings between 26 exhibitor companies and students. Thursday’s sessions will be aimed at university graduates and graduating students who are taking part through cooperation with the inter-university consortium AlmaLaurea and the placement offices of the Universities of Bologna, Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Ferrara. Friday’s agenda will focus on high school leavers who are taking part through agreements between the individual schools and Confindustria Ceramica.