The new Reserve by Nourison Collection will feature Nourison’s high-end, handmade area rugs and the program will only be sold through Nourison authorized dealers that offer higher-end product assortments.

Reserve is targeted at primarily brick and mortar, upscale dealers and designer showrooms that sell higher quality area rugs. The product selection is carefully curated and contains many of Nourison’s best-quality handmade rugs such as Divine, Ocean, Silk Shadows and Christopher Guy.

“Our goal with establishing Reserve by Nourison is to create the long-awaited channel segmentation that upscale showrooms need to sell and promote a product with confidence” said Alex Peykar, Chariman at Nourison. “While the Nourison brand has grown and diversified to serve a changing market, Reserve by Nourison taps into Nourison’s heritage as a leader in beautifully-styled, finely-crafted rugs for the distinguished dealers.”

Reserve by Nourison authorized dealers will be those who offer enhanced services and distinctive products. Nourison will support Reserve dealers with specialized marketing materials, limitations to distribution (especially e-com), strong IMAP enforcement and restrictions from distribution to physical or online discounters.

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