Danbury, Conn. -- Warmup is joining with Material Bank to make sampling products easier, faster, and more environmentally friendly. Material Bank is the fastest and most powerful way to search and sample materials. An architectural and design-focused material resource library, Material Bank allows architects and design professionals to search materials from hundreds of brands on a single platform and, with the click of a button, receive samples by 10:30 a.m. the next day, free of charge.

Material Bank turns hours of work into minutes by powering complex searches across hundreds of manufacturers. With Material Bank, samples from multiple manufacturers can be ordered and delivered quickly and all together. On the Material Bank website designers create a cohesive board with tiles, fabrics, ect. and order all of the samples with a single click. From there, each sample is gathered into a single box, eliminating the need for separate deliveries. The delivery box can then be can be returned, resulting in less packages, less energy, and less transportation. By combining multiple sample orders into a single delivery, Material Bank reduces inbound packages to design firms by 75%.

The Warmup brand went live on the Material Bank website August 2019. The partnership has caused excitement for both companies venturing into this method of sampling building materials. With all brands, Material Bank assigns users automatically to the appropriate representative so that users can easily connect with the proper representative, from any brand, on a single platform.

For more information, visit www.materialbank.com or www.warmup.com.